За радост на малките и големи фенове на "Мега-чудесата на калинката и черния котарак", състезателната логическа игра е събрала в себе си образите на героите от анимацията. Те са изобразени на 15 карти, а образите им се повтарят на 25 кубчета, като всяко от тях има 6 различни картинки. Играе се от двама играчи, като приблизителното време за една игра е 15 минути. Целта на играта е да се подредят 5 кубчета с еднакви картинки хоризонтално, вертикално или по диагонал. Комплектът от "Top Trumps" съдържа 15 картонени карти с размери 3.5 х 4.5 cm и 25 пластмасови кубчета с размери 2.5 х 2.5 cm. Игралната ... |
Класическата игра "Дама" от "Bigjigs Toys" е специално изработена за децата или възрастните, които обичат нестандартното. Всички елементи в комплекта са изработени от висококачествен дървен материал и са боядисани с безвредни бои на водна основа. Дизайнът на играта е забавен - вместо обикновените бели и черни пулове, комплекта съдържа 12 калинки и 12 пчелички. В играта могат да участват 2 ма играчи, всеки от които се стреми да вземе противниковите буболечки и да блокира ходовете на другия. Правила на играта: Играчите сядат един срещу друг и поставят дъската за игра така, че всеки играч да има от ... |
Щанцата от Docrafts е подходяща за изработката на различни картички, покани, скрапбукинг албуми, декорации и украси. Представлява матрица с калинка. Изработена от висококачествен метал, тя гарантира чисти и прецизни изрязвания всеки път. С нея могат да се режат различни материали, като хартия, картон, текстил, филц, магнитни листи и други. Щанцата е съвместима с повечето машини за щанцоване, тя е лесна за използване и предлага безкрайни творчески възможности. За да я използвате, трябва да я оформите като "сандвич" заедно с материала, който искате да изрежете, режещите подложки и платформата на ... |
Retold by Joan Collins, illustrated by Annie Wilkinson. ... An abridget retelling of the classic story by Sir J. M. Barrie, suitable for younger readers. Wendy, Michael and John begin the greatest adventures of their lives when Peter Pan teaches them to fly and takes them to Neverland. With Peter and the Lost Boys, they battle the dreaded Captain Hook and his pirates, meeting mermaids and savage beasts along the way. The story has been sensitively abridged and retold to make it suitable for sharing with young children. ... |
Retold by Alison Ainsworth, illustrated by Galia Bernstein. ... An abridget retelling of the classic story by Rudyard Kipling, suitable for younger readers. Mowgli, the man-cub, is raised by wolves in the jungle in India. His friends are Baloo the bear and Bagheera the panther. His enemy is the ferocious tiger Shere Khan. Mowgli's life is filled with adventure and the chance to find his true place in the jungle. The story has been sensitively abridged and retold to make it suitable for sharing with young children. Detailed full-colour illustrations throughout also help to bring this classic tale to life. ... |
Retold by Joyce Faraday, illustrated by Annie Wilkinson. ... An abridged retelling of the classic story by Frances Hodgson Burnett, suitable for younger readers. When the orphan Mary Lennox comes to live at Misselthwaite Manor, she finds it filled with gloom and mystery. Her uncle is sad and silent, there are strange cries in the night and there are tales of a hidden Secret Garden, which Mary is determined to find and unlock. It has been sensitively abridged and retold to make it suitable for sharing with young children from 5+, whilst retaining all the key parts of the story, including the mysterious, locked secret ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Kou Lan. ... This beautiful hardback "Ladybird books" edition of "Aladdin" is a perfect first illustrated introduction to this classic fairy tale for young readers from. The story is sensitively retold, following the a young boy's adventures with a wicked magician, a beautiful princess and two amazing genies. "Ladybird Tales" are based on the original Ladybird retellings by Vera Southgate, with beautiful pictures of the kind children like best - full of richness and detail. Children have always loved, and will ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Lisa Fox. ... This beautiful hardback "Ladybird books" edition of "Chicken Licken" is a perfect first illustrated introduction to this classic fairy tale for young readers. The tale is sensitively retold, following "Chicken Licken" and his friends as they go to tell the king the sky is falling down. "Ladybird Tales" are based on the original Ladybird retellings by Vera Southgate, with beautiful pictures of the kind children like best - full of richness and detail. Children have always loved, and will always ... |
Retold by Raymond Sibley, illustrated by Monica Armino. ... This "Ladybird Classic" is an abridged retelling of the classic tale of "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley. A perfect introduction to the famous story, it is ideal for adults to read with children, or for newly confident readers to tackle alone. Please note that due to some scary parts in places, content may not be suitable for very young or sensitive readers. Victor Frankenstein has always been fascinated by the darker side of nature One fateful night, his sinister obsession triggers a chain of events that will have terrible consequences for ... |
Retold by Joan Collins, illustrated by Chiara Fedele. ... An abridget retelling of the classic story by Louisa May Alcott, suitable for younger readers. It will be a tough Christmas for Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. Their father is away in the american Civil War and money is hard to come by. Though they are poor, te March sisters are full of love for each other and share many moments of laughter and tears, disappointment and joy. Beautiful new illustrations throughout and a gorgeous larger format with ribbon marker bring the magic of this classic story to a new generation of children. ... |
Тествай логическото си мислене с играта Ladybugs от SmartGames! Тя е подходяща за деца над 6-годишна възраст. Комплектът включва метална кутия с игрално поле, 12 цветни калинки (5 червени, 4 оранжеви и 3 жълти) и книжка с предизвикателства. Предизвикателствата са общо 48 на брой и всяко от тях има само по едно правилно решение. Ще се справиш ли с всяко едно от тях? Играта ще развива логическото мислене, въображението, концентрацията и уменията за решаване на проблеми на подрастващите. Правилата на играта Ladybugs можете да прочетете в прикачения файл. ... |
The book is part of "Ladybird tales" collection. Illustration by Marina Le Ray. ... This beautiful hardback "Ladybird books" edition of "The Big Pancake" is a perfect first illustrated introduction to this classic fairy tale for young readers. This cumulative tale is sensitively retold, retaining all the key parts of the story beginning with seven hungry boys waiting for their pancake to cook, through to the boys and other people and animals chasing the pancake all the way to the river. "Ladybird Tales" are based on the original Ladybird retellings by Vera Southgate, with ... |