С активните карти "Уча английски език" от "Simetro books" вашето дете ще научи лесно основни думички на английски език, докато играе и се забавлява. Комплектът е подходящ за деца над 4-годишна възраст и се състои от 54 цветни карти с илюстрации и думички на български и английски включващи числата до 10, 10 цвята, 5 форми, 4 посоки, 10 животни, 10 плодове и зеленчуци, 4 предмета, 2 карти с отговори и упътвания за родители. Използвайте gi у дома или в движение, в парка или в училище. Чрез тях детето ви ще научи лесно основните форми, цветове, числа, животни, плодове и зеленчуци, както на български, така ... |
If a novel is long and torrid love affair, full of ups and downs and highs and lows, then a short story is just a quick kiss from a stranger in the dark - a fleeting, but intense experience that grips the heart, fires up the blood and lingers in the memory. This collection of darkly disturbing tales will suck you into the weird and wonderful world of the author's imagination, populated by vengeful witches, ravenous zombies, serial killers, alien monsters, bloodthirsty androids and even a man who feeds on dreams. Emil Minchev is born in 1984 in Sofia, Bulgaria, and has published six novels and a short story ... |
Уча и играя - животни и дейност. ... Ученето на английски език чрез приказки и игри ще събуди интереса на децата към образователния процес, подготвяйки ги за училище. Поредицата Activity Books на Disney English съчетава изучаването на английски език и развитието на детския интелект чрез занимателни дейности с любими герои - Мечо Пух и неговите приятели. Тази поредица ще подобри не само английския на децата, но и техните способности за наблюдение и разсъждение. Всяка книга има шест части, които обхващат общи теми, като тяхната сложност постепенно нараства. След края на всяка дейност децата могат да поличат символично ... |
"Оливър тропна с крак и се нацупи. Блъсна вбесен вратата и се качи по стълбите да претършува отново тавана. Както винаги, там беше пълно с прашни, стари и тайнствени неща, които глупавите големи хора бяха забравили..." Из книгата Владимир Тодоров е художник, аниматор и дизайнер на филмови типажи. Работил е за студия като Amblimation на Стивън Спилбърг, Warner Brothers, Sony Pictures и други. Сред филмите, по чийто концептуален дизайн е работил, са Космически забивки, Изгубени в космоса, Стюарт Литъл, Хари Потър и философският камък, както и наградения с Оскар Дъ Чъб Чъбс. От 2002 измисля и рисува типажи за ... |
Edited by Francis Turner Palgrave. ... The Golden Treasury is one of the most loved anthologies of English poetry ever published. The book was meticulously compiled by poet and scholar Francis Turner Palgrave, in collaboration with Alfred Tennyson, who was then poet laureate. It is arranged chronologically in four books which each celebrate a different era in the evolution of English poetry, from Elizabethan to the 19th century. All the greats are here, including Shakespeare and Milton, Marvell and Pope, Wordsworth and Keats. First published in 1861, it became the standard anthology for over 100 years. This Macmillan ... |
Учебникът подготвя за актуализирания изпит "First Certificate in English for Schools". ... "Cambridge English First for Schools" 2 contains four tests for the "First for Schools exam", also known as "First Certificate in English (FCE) for Schools". These examination papers for the Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam provide the most authentic exam preparation available, allowing candidates to familiarise themselves with the content and format of the exam and to practise useful exam techniques. Downloadable audio contains the listening tests material. The Student's ... |
Учебникът подготвя за актуализирания изпит "First Certificate in English for Schools". ... Cambridge English First for Schools 3 contains four tests for the First for Schools exam, also known as First Certificate in English (FCE) for Schools. These examination papers for the Cambridge English: First (FCE) for Schools exam provide the most authentic exam preparation available, allowing candidates to familiarise themselves with the content and format of the exam and to practise useful exam techniques. Downloadable audio contains the listening tests material. The Student's Books and Audio CDs are also ... |
Award-winning readers series of original fiction for learners of English. At seven levels, this impressive selection of carefully graded readers offers exciting reading for every student's capabilities. David lives in a house with lots of books and his cat, Socrates. But is he happy? Then he makes friends with Ella. 'You're a nice boy,' says Ella. 'But you don't know anything about me. You don't know me. I'm not a good person. ... |
Пакет със книжки. ... The Flash Reading Scheme provides a stimulating yet structured approach to developing reading skills. The carefully graded vocabulary throughout its five reading levels enables children to learn keywords whilst enjoying exciting, fun-filled stories. The amusing characters and their adventures with the magic camera have been specially created to capture the imaginations of the young in both familiar and unusual settings. Each illustration has been designed to encourage discussion and interaction, and playful Tiger can be found hiding amongst the pages of every story. All of the books contain advice ... |
In "Burmese Days", George Orwell, one of the most famous writers in the English language, draws on his own experience of living and working in Burma to write an unflinching novel about the dark side of imperialism. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features an introduction by journalist and writer David Eimer. John Flory is a disillusioned timber merchant based in the remote town of Kyauktada in 1920s Burma. Whilst ... |
Complete and unabridged. A pocket sized book - 10 x 15.5 cm. ... John Keats is regarded as one of the greatest poets of the Romantic movement. But when he died at the age of only twenty-five, his writing had been attacked by critics and his talent remained largely unrecognized. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition is edited and introduced by Dr Andrew Hodgson. This volume, "Selected Poems", reflects his extraordinary ... |
If a novel is a long and torrid love affair, full of ups and downs and highs and lows, then a short story is merely a kiss from a stranger in the dark - a fleetingly experience that grips the heart, ignites the blood and lingers in the memory. The seven stories collected in this volume explore the world of darkness - the outer darkness which surrounds us and where all monsters live... and the inner darkness where all your secret demons dwell and fester undisturbed, feeding on your soul. Beware the truth contained within! Emil Minchev is born in 1984 in Sofia, Bulgaria, and has published six novels and a short story ... |